Monday, April 9, 2012

ALLLL made sense this morning

Today was so fulfilling.  I was able to speak to 50 educators regarding race - I'm talking skin pigment folks (and all that comes with it) -within their schools.  Educators are in such a POWERFUL's ridiculous.  We see the kids/students more than parents do...! Educators owe it to society to step outside of our boxes and address issues that need to be addressed.  No more detail needed.  When students voices can't be heard - we should stand up where parents sit down.  Come on people...this is our WORLD!!  We change this divisive racial dynamic and we change the world for the better.  Okay...that's good for today. :)

Also...It's funny that all at once, I realized why I was born the way I was, and why I went through the CRAP and buLLLLL that I have gone through.  It ALLLL made sense this morning, and I am more proud than ever to be Lydia K. Young.  Through it all...

Thanks are the!


1 comment:

  1. You are awesome and amazing and I miss and love you! That is all...
