Friday, April 13, 2012

Isn't it crazy how on accident things can happen SO perfectly...

Isn't it crazy how on accident things can happen SO perfectly.  So yesterday, I'm stirring my delicious Greek yogurt ( yummmmmm) because you have to mix the fruit with the yogurt or it's blahhhhh. I take a bite, then another...and another and I don't notice that anything has spilled, but then I look down at my phone (that is laying perfectly straight on my desk - screen up).  Some how I got yogurt directly INSIDE the charger port - which is on the side of my phone!  Yeah, the little tiny hole that you plug your charger into to charge your phone.  Like really, I couldn't have done that if I wanted to!!! My phone was laying on my desk, it wasn't verticle with the charger port sticking up in the air...WOW.  I know you all have had stuff like that happen - you throw a basketball in the hoop behind your back from behind the half court line and it goes in...and you weren't trying...stuff like that...

This got me thinking how our actions although not on purpose, create consequences.  Duh.  I know, okay - BUT - sometimes those consequences are just so perfect it's amazing.  Obviously having yogurt directly in my charger port sucks, but the actions that led up to that perfection is incredible - and I didn't even TRY.  In my own life, I find it so easy to want to do everything the "right" way to lead to my  perfection ...but there is no such thing.  There is something greater than us that causes perfection in the most interesting and sometimes unintended ways.  Not perfection like perfect but perfection in what we are meant to be doing in our own lives.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is we can't force our "perfection."  We can make certain choices and that leads us, but there is something bigger out there.  I think our choices lead us to different opportunities of perfection in our own life.   Its there, and sometimes the choices we make are leading us there and we don't even know it...I say live on and be blessed.


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