Tuesday, March 12, 2013


After 6 weeks of being involved with America's Next Natural Model, I've learned a lot.

1) Modeling, is HARD.  And, it makes you feeeeeeeel.  For someone who is good at feeling for others, but not so much for herself, I found (am finding) it difficult to feeeeeeeeeeeeeel...so an unintendid consequences (although a VERY POSITIVE) consequence is that I'm starting, slowly by slowly, to feeeeel.  You have to feel to connect with the camera...you viewers...you HAVE TO!

2) People are really supportive!  They don't see this as a self-centered project, they love it!  I've always been worried that people might think ..  Honestly, doing modeling and appreciating my natural hair is SO much deeper.  I think people get it...BUT...

3) Even if people don't, this experience is for ME.  I've learned that if you don't work on you, you can't properly serve others.   Your CUP has to be full and over-flowing to share.  If it's empty, you not only deplete yourselve, you can't properly serve others 'cause YOU'RE THIRSTY!

4)  I think Natural Hair has been marginalized and seen as an "unbeauty" but HELLO, my competition in ANNM are all beautiful, as well as so many other women who are choosing to accept themselves as they were created!  I LOVE being a part of anything that educates, and de-marginalizes...I want to share this, newer ideology with our youth and get them away from fake, plastic, unreal beauty. 

I'm not dissing anyones decisions and idea of beauty...but...okay, yes I am, but not intentionally!  Be YOU is all, but appreciate the realness/naturalness of YOU!  LOL  HAhAHAH, ya'll feel me, right?!


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