Friday, February 1, 2013


Today has been a WONDERFUL day.  I got some work done!  Go me!  And I am so excited for Week 1 of  ANNM to end!  I am getting those crazy tingles when I think about it....I get to upload my first shoot and finish up my essay!

Thank you for sending the products!  I can't wait.   :)

So, I must digress as I just recently finished a large dish of nuts...I have decided I am addicted to almonds, cashews, and raisins.  I just can't stop eating them...(but they have to be all together in a trail-mix)...Oh goodness, it's justtorture.  And I must never buy them in BULK again.  Thank you Wal-Mart for providing cheap nuts.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

JK.  I love your nuts! 

Anyway, I can't wait to inform you all of the awesome products that I will be receiveing soon!  Just keep reading.  :)

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